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  • Jimmy

Hurricane Smith - Oh Babe, What Would You Say

The last suck day of April for me. My Dad has been gone for 23 years now; I was 29 when he died; it is so odd that he has been gone almost as long as I knew him. We did not have the best relationship as he had a problem with drinking. I think back to growing up, and damn there were a ton of great moments, along with the bad ones. One of my favorite memories of my Dad is when he introduced us to today's Song of the Day.

We loved this song growing up; we wore out the 45. I tried to play it the other day, and it sounds so bad. I first heard Hurricane Smith's "Oh Babe, What Would You Say" in the early 80s when my Dad put on the 45. My sister and I watched this man dance around the house with his shitty grin. He knew all the lyrics, and soon we would as well. My Mom loved this song; one might say in a not-so-good environment most days, Hurricane Smith brought us together.

The track was a #3 smash in 1972. I will be #1 in my heart forever. It's the little things you miss about your parents. It's those moments that span a lifetime that feel like yesterday but hurt so damn much. I have found myself dancing around the house when I play this song; I see myself singing like my Dad in the mirror. The music starts, and the gravely sounding Smith starts with a fantastic lyric: "As I have hoped for half a chance."

I am glad this month is almost over. I am having a hard time this year. I miss my people. I miss my Dad singing, " I know I could be so in love with you, And I know that I could make you love me too, And if I could only hear you say you do oo oo oo." I can still see his face on the oo oo oo oo's.

23 years ago I experienced the loss of Big Mike, it feels like yesterday.


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